Welcome to the Wesco Anixter Training Academy

Our Training Academy delivers a range of training and certification courses to ensure our customers have the knowledge and skills they need.

  • Wesco Anixter Training Academy

    Training Academy

    Training Academy delivers a range of training and certification courses to ensure that our customers have the knowledge and skills they need.

    Current courses:
    Ericsson-LG Enterprise Self Study courses
    Hikvision HCSA, Intercom and CCTV (Deep Learning) courses
    Inner Range Concept Certified, Integriti Certified and Integriti Advanced courses
    Paradox EVOHD and SP/MG courses
    Milestone Professional Certification courses
    Milestone Professional Certification courses

    For full course information and bookings, please click on the brands below or email nz.training@wesco.com for any training enquiries.

  • Wesco Anixter Technical Support Teams

    Technical Support

    We believe in delivering a consistent best-in-class quality of service. For fast responsive assistance please contact our technical support team:

    Freephone 0800 732 835
    Phone support hours: Monday - Friday 8am - 8:30pm
    Email us to create a tech support ticket for:
    CCTV / Alarms Team
    Ericsson-LG Enterprise Team
    IPECS Cloud Team
    Product Return Form

    Or create a ticket in our Technical Support Portal or browse through our collection of articles, user guides and FAQs.

Inner range training

Welcome to the Wesco Anixter Training Academy

Our Training Academy delivers a range of training and certification courses to ensure our customers have the knowledge and skills they need.

  • Wesco Anixter Training Academy

    Training Academy

    Training Academy delivers a range of training and certification courses to ensure that our customers have the knowledge and skills they need.

    Current courses:
    Ericsson-LG Enterprise Self Study courses
    Hikvision HCSA, Intercom and CCTV (Deep Learning) courses
    Inner Range Concept Certified, Integriti Certified and Integriti Advanced courses
    Milestone Professional Certification courses
    Milestone Professional Certification courses

    For full course information and bookings, please click on the brands below or email nz.training@wesco.com for any training enquiries.

  • Wesco Anixter Technical Support Teams

    Technical Support

    We believe in delivering a consistent best-in-class quality of service. For fast responsive assistance please contact our technical support team:

    Freephone 0800 732 835
    Phone support hours: Monday - Friday 8am - 8:30pm
    Email us to create a tech support ticket for:
    CCTV / Alarms Team
    Ericsson-LG Enterprise Team
    IPECS Cloud Team
    Product Return Form

    Or create a ticket in our Technical Support Portal or browse through our collection of articles, user guides and FAQs.

Inner range training