
BTicino, with a number of plants and production facilities in Italy and abroad, as well as a successful, well-known brand name in more than 60 countries around the world, has been a part of the Legrand Group since 1989. Its acquisition of BTicino has given Legrand a brand name that represents, at the international level, the best traditions in Italian design and production.
Each new project is a challenge that BTicino tackles with the strength of its DNA, which is the result of a perfect combination of constant drive for technological innovation, solid knowledge of aesthetic issues and desire of ensuring every time engaging user experiences.
Technological innovations are the basic ingredients of our solutions. The physical and digital aspects of a product must coexist harmoniously in a delicate balance: this is their goal.
BTicino's focus is to create products that communicate with their surroundings, which do not need to “raise their voices” to be noticed but, on the contrary, can be appreciated for their typical Italian design and elegance.
BTicino has always been extremely committed to quality, technology and Italian design, with the merit of having been the first to introduce the concepts of aesthetics and comfort in a sector where in the past performance was almost exclusively functional.