Legrand BTicino 2 Wire - Classe 300 - 7" Internal Wi-Fi Touchscreen Video Unit - White

Classe 300 7" Internal Wi-Fi Touchscreen Video Unit
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Key Features:

  • Connected 2 wire / Wi-Fi handsfree video internal unit with inductive loop, 7" Touch Screen LCD display and video door entry answering – light finish
  • It has capacitive keys for the control of the main video door entry functions:
    - Door lock release
    - Handsfree connection
    - Entrance panel activation /camera scrolling
    - Favorite key (can be configured to activate the quick actions most frequently used - eg: staircase lights control, Intercom, additional activations)
  • Tactile guide for easy access to door lock and handsfree capacitive connection keys
  • LEDs used for: call exclusion, notification of messages from switchboard and note
  • Access to adjustments and functions using the touch display
  • NOTE function - for writing using the keypad, or for voice recording of messages and/or notes for the other residents of the apartment (e.g.: call plumber, do the shopping, etc.)
  • Possibility of voice communication with the switchboard - if present in the system - after a specific call
  • Device must be configured by physically connecting the configurators, or using the menu, which will give better possibilities of customisation of associated functions and texts
  • Thanks to the Wi-Fi connection, you can associate the video internal unit to the Door Entry App (available for Android and iOS)
  • You can manage the main video internal unit functions (receiving calls, opening the door lock, manage the answering machine, activating the entrance panel/cycling and extra activations)

How to install the BTicino Door Entry App

How to install a connected BTicino Classe 300 Video Kit