Inner Range - Integriti Professional Edition
The Integriti System Management Software Suite is a true enterprise class solution, designed from the ground up for the internet age. Leveraging the very latest platforms and technologies, Integriti software is a world-class product that packages guaranteed reliability, scalability and performance, delivered in a way that will change the game forever!
Key Features
- Simple Who, What and When access rules
- Extremely flexible user permission programing
- Easily manage small or large systems
- Customised views and layouts on a per operator basis
- 32 or 64 bit cluster aware application
- Supports virtual computing environments
- All automated tasks can be scheduled
- Forensic Audit trail times-stamps every programming change made in the system
- Changes can be rolled-back and re-created as they were at any time in the past
- Streamlined system commissioning
- Powerful new script based macro logic provides simple solutions for sophisticated problems
- Input and Output Analogue Values can be passed around the system and incorporated into any of the Macro Logic processes
Product Sheets
Inner Range Integriti End User Brochure
Inner Range Integriti Installer Brochure
Inner Range Integriti Software Comparsion
Inner Range Integriti Software Brochure
Inner Range Integriti Upgrades, SMAs & Licences
Inner Range Integriti Software Editions
Licensing Forms
Please complete the Integriti Licensing form below and email this to Our customer service team will then process your application for licenses.