EPOS Microsoft Teams Range

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  1. EPOS ADAPT 360 Bluetooth Headset - Black
    Wireless ANC Bluetooth® headset with PC dongle (Black Version) Sennheiser Part Number: SN-508362 Learn More
  2. EPOS ADAPT 135T USB II Monaural Headset - MS Teams & 3.5mm
    USB II Headset - MS Teams & 3.5mm In-line call control and Leatherette earpad Learn More
  3. EPOS ADAPT 460T Bluetooth Headset
    In-ear neckband Bluetooth® headset with ANC. Access to Microsoft Teams functionalities. EPOS Part Number: EPS-1000205 Learn More
  4. EPOS ADAPT 563 Bluetooth Headset
    ADAPT 560 headset, USB cable with USB-C connector, compliance sheet, safety guide. EPOS Part Number: EPS-1000208 Learn More
  5. EPOS EXPAND 40T Bluetooth Speakerphone - Microsoft Teams
  6. EPOS | Sennheiser ADAPT 560 II Bluetooth ANC Headset
  7. EPOS | Sennheiser ADAPT 561 II Bluetooth ANC Headset + USB-C Dongle
  8. EPOS ADAPT 660 Bluetooth Headset
    Over-ear Bluetooth® ANC headset with BTD 800 USB dongle and carry case. Learn More
  9. EPOS ADAPT 661 Bluetooth Headset with USB-C dongle
    Over-ear Bluetooth® ANC headset with BTD 800 USB dongle and carry case. Learn More

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