EPOS Impact SDW 5000 Series

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  1. EPOS IMPACT SDW 5066T DECT Binaural - Teams - Phone/Mob/PC
  2. EPOS IMPACT SDW 5063T DECT Binaural - Teams - PC Only
  3. EPOS SDW 5016 Headset Bundle with UI 10 BL Busylight - MS

    Wireless DECT headset with base station. Triple connectivity to desk phone, PC/softphone and mobile devices. UC optimised and Certified for Skype for Business. Includes Busy light for the SDW 5000 Series. With red, green and yellow color your status is reflected from a distance to avoid disruption.

    EPOS Part Number: EPS-1000622

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  4. EPOS IMPACT SDW 5016 DECT 3-in-1 Headset - Phone/Mobile/PC

    Wireless DECT headset with base station. Triple connectivity to desk phone, PC/softphone and mobile devices. UC optimised and Certified for Skype for Business.

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  5. EPOS IMPACT SDW 5036 DECT Monaural Headset - Phone/Mobile/PC

    Wireless DECT headset with base station. Triple connectivity to desk phone, PC/softphone and mobile devices. UC optimised and Certified for Skype for Business.

    EPOS Part Number: EPS-1000626

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  6. EPOS IMPACT SDW 5066 DECT Binaural Headset - Phone/Mobile/PC

    Wireless DECT headset with base station. Triple connectivity to desk phone, PC/softphone and mobile devices. UC optimised and Certified for Skype for Business.

    EPOS Part Number: EPS-1000630

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  7. EPOS IMPACT SDW 5015 DECT 3-in-1 Headset - Phone/PC

    Wireless DECT headset with base station. Dual connectivity to desk phone and PC/softphone. UC optimsed and Certified for Skype for Business.

    EPOS Part Number: EPS-1001021

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  8. EPOS IMPACT SDW 5035 DECT Monaural Headset - Phone/PC

    Wireless DECT headset with base station. Dual connectivity to desk phone and PC/softphone. UC optimised and Certified for Skype for Business.

    EPOS Part Number: EPS-1000602

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  9. EPOS IMPACT SDW 5065 DECT Binaural Headset - Phone/PC

    Wireless DECT headset with base station. Dual connectivity to desk phone and PC/softphone. UC optimised and Certified for Skype for Business.

    EPOS Part Number: EPS-1001023

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  10. EPOS IMPACT SDW 5034 DECT Monaural Headset - PC/Mobile

    Wireless DECT headset with base station. Dual connectivity to softphone/PC and mobile devices. UC optimised and Certified for Skype for Business.

    EPOS Part Number: EPS-1000614

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