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  1. EPOS IMPACT SC 230 Wired Headset

    Wired, single-sided headset with Easy Disconnect optimised for use with desk phones

    EPOS Part Number: EPS-1000514

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  2. ASSA ABLOY Trimec ES8100 V-Lock - Fail Safe
    A high torque motorised bolt that moves from the vertical position to the horizontal state when locked. Learn More
  3. Inner Range Integriti 3 Amp Smart PSU - PCB only
    A universal power supply which can be used wherever battery backed 12V supplies are required Learn More
  4. EPOS IMPACT SC 260 USB MS II Headset

    Double-sided, USB headset w. in-line call control. UC optimized, Microsoft Teams and Skype for Business Certified.

    EPOS Part Number: EPS-1000579

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  5. Trimec TS3201 Electric Strike
    The ES3000 series electric strikes are designed for high security applications & manufactured from solid stainless steel. Learn More
  6. Inner Range Integriti 2 Amp PSU - PCB only
    Provides 2A @ 13.8VDC with monitored outputs for low volts and low battery Learn More
  7. EPOS IMPACT SC 230 USB MS II Headset

    Single-sided, USB headset w. in-line call control. UC optimized, Microsoft Teams and Skype for Business Certified.

    EPOS Part Number: EPS-1000578

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  8. Inner Range Integriti Aiphone Interface with DIN Rail Enclosure
  9. Inner Range Integriti - 500mm 3rd Party Power Supply Cable
    500mm 10 way to RED & Black fly leads (does not support SMART PSU status monitoring) Learn More
  10. Inner Range Integriti External PSU Bypass Link Cable

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271-280 of 4310