IR SIFER-U Self Adhesive Tag - 10 Pack
SIFER-U credentials have an identical set of specifications to that of SIFER-P with the major difference being that they can be re-programmed in the field. By default SIFER-U credentials are shipped pre-programmed with the Inner Range SIFER Global Encryption Key and can be used with standard SIFER Readers without any need for card or reader configuration. Although SIFER-U credentials are supplied pre-programmed, the site code and encryption key can be re-programmed in the field using a SIFER card programming station. (It is not recommended to re-program SIFER-U card numbers as they are already unique) When SIFER-U credentials have been re-programed, the SIFER readers must also be re-configured to use the same encryption key. To perform the Reader configuration a “Reader Configuration Card” must be produced using the SIFER card programming station. SIFER-U customisation is a process that is carried out by the installer and as such the unique encryption key must be stored and managed for safekeeping by the installer, this facilitates additional card batches at a future date. Where a unique SIFER-U encryption key has been lost it cannot be recovered.