After 25 years of success in security markets all over the world the time has come for Insight, the Inner Range Concept security & access control system, to hang up its boots and retire. As of April 5th, 2021 Insight Software products and all additional Insight software licenses and software product keys (inclusive of dongles) for Insight Professional, Insight Express, Insight Monitor and Insight CMS will move to end of life status and will no longer be available from Inner Range distributors.

A Replacement for Insight Software

The Integriti Security Management System has made significant advancements in both hardware and software technologies and is now the flag ship product from Inner Range. Integriti is now the replacement for the Concept Insight Software and many customers, large and small, have successfully and affordably migrated from Insight to the Integriti platform. The Integriti system is backwardly compatible with the Concept hardware (The system hardware used with Insight) making the migration to Integriti easy, efficient, and extremely cost effective – migrating is a fraction of the cost of an entire product replacement.
Contact your Atlas Gentech representative for details on how to migrate to Integriti.